The Open Door
Poem written by Elder J.A. Rowell, Sr.
Behold, there is an open door,
By grace, we enter in,
The lame, the sick, the blind, the poor,
The sinner saved from sin.
The door unlocked, is Christ the Lord,
No human hand can close,
According to his precious word,
Opened for whom he chose.
I am the door the Saviour cried,
The door for all my sheep,
For them he suffered, bled and died,
Safe in the fold to keep.
The lambs which wandered from the fold,
The sheep which went astray,
No power can keep, no hand can hold,
I washed their sins away.
No one can pluck them from my hand,
They're mine forever more,
In every kindred, tongue and land,
Christ is the open door.
Oh, glorious portal, opened wide,
The door to heaven above,
Where saints and angels shall abide,
Forever more in love.